
This is where you can find all the detailed writeups for all my artwork, as well as the occassional random post.

Pet Portrait: Ahsoka the Dutch Shepherd Mix

Ahsoka (Colored Pencil - 2014)

Yes, that is a weird name for a dog.  But what would you expect from a couple that had lightsabers as part of their reception introduction as a married couple?  Not that I'm judging; I want a lightsaber...

Time Spent:  18 hours and 40 minutes

Paper Used: 400 Series Flannel White Strathmore Artist Paper cut to 8×10″.

Prismacolor Colored Pencils:

Ahsoka Pencils.JPG

Greyed Lavender - PC1026
Dark Umber - PC947
Light Umber - PC941
Clay Rose - PC1017
Rosy Beige - PC1019
Beige - PC997
Cream - PC914
90% French Grey - PC1076
70% French Grey - PC1074
50% French Grey - PC1072
30% French Grey - PC1070
10% French Grey - PC1068
Black - PC935
90% Cool Grey - PC1067
70% Cool Grey - PC1065
50% Cool Grey - PC1063
30% Cool Grey - PC1061
10% Cool Grey - PC1059
White - PC938

Progress Pics:

Up Next: Remember the bulldog, Duke, I drew a handful of weeks ago?  Well it turns out that the family that it went to had two members fighting over it, so I will be drawing a second portrait of Duke.  You'll have to wait for the portrait following that to see something new!

Until next time! Lauren H. Follow @BewareOfTrees