
This is where you can find all the detailed writeups for all my artwork, as well as the occassional random post.

Couple's Counseling #2: "Movie Night"

Couple's Counseling #2 - Movie Night (Digital - 2014)
Couple's Counseling #2 - Movie Night (Digital - 2014)

Back by popular demand, it's Couple's Counseling!  Ok, no one really asked for it, but you're going to get another entry into this series of what happens when you live with one other person anyway.  Often "especially a boy" can be applied.

Idea Behind the Comic:  I guess if art is any good it's supposed to be self-explanatory, but I'm going to tell the story behind the inspiration anyway just to cover my bases.  Long story short, Kyle and I are very indecisive people.  In other words, this situation could really be flipped where he is asking me what I want to eat for dinner because I made the mistake of saying that I was hungry.  But this isn't about me, it's about Kyle.  You see, when I would ask him if he would like to watch a movie, I was even nice enough to limit the choices.  Yet all I ever got was "I don't care" or "whatever you want to watch."  Sure, some of you are probably thinking that's sweet, but making decisions is hard!  Especially considering one time I did make the choice after one of these question sessions and he later said that he hadn't wanted to watch that movie in the first place.

But this isn't completely all about his failings, that last panel is used for the purposes of making it look like he's getting punished for this by being forced to the floor, but in actuality this happens all the time because the dogs and I are just greedy, and he's nice enough not to make us move on his behalf.

Materials Used:

  • 11x14" Strathmore sketch paper with a fine tooth surface
  • Lead holder with 2H lead
  • Lead holder with HB lead
  • intuos 5 touch professional pen tablet
  • Corel Painter 8 (materials within the program: Pens - Flat Color)

The process was pretty similar to what I did for the last Couple's Counseling, but this time after penciling it out in my sketchbook I scanned it and did all the outlining on the computer instead of going with the pen.  Not sure if this was really a time saver though, since I still had to outline it in darker pencil to have the scanner pick it up, but it is nice keeping the edit option available to the initial sketch, which was taken away when I penned over the pencil lines.

Up Next:  Once I finally get Scout scanned I will be posting that portrait as well, so you get the gift of two posts in one day!  YAY!  Then I'm off to finishing that Transformers drawing I mentioned last time while I wait to see if any commissions come through.

Until Next Time! Lauren H.
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